Blatchford’s A Practical Guide to the National Standards of Excellence for Headteachers: A Chapter by Chapter Review, Chapter 4 Preface to the Domains

The preface to the discussion of the domains is Chapter 4 of Blatchford’s guide. While it might seem confusing to have a preface follow a preamble, Blatchford’s purpose is to describe the methodology with which he will take you through the National Standards of Excellence. There will be six exemplars, one for each characteristic in the four domains.

Those domains are:

  1. Excellent Headteachers: qualities and knowledge
  2. Excellent Headteachers: pupils and staff
  3. Excellent Headteachers: systems and processes
  4. Excellent Headteachers: the self-improving school system

Blatchford adds to his preface in Chapter 4 by discussing domain one- the qualities and knowledge of excellent headteachers. As he had promised he breaks the domain down into six key characteristics of excellent headteachers:

  1. Hold and articulate clear values and moral purpose, focused on providing a world-class education for the pupils they serve.
  2. Demonstrate optimistic personal behaviour, positive relationships and attitudes towards their pupils and staff, and towards parents, governors and members of the local community.
  3. Lead by example with integrity, creativity, resilience, and clarity- drawing on their own scholarship, expertise and skills, and that of those around them.
  4. Sustain wide, current knowledge and understanding of education and school systems locally, nationally and globally, and pursue continuous professional development.
  5. Work with political and financial astuteness, within a clear set of principles centred on the school’s vision, ably translating local and national policy into the school’s context.
  6. Communicate compellingly the school’s vision and drive the strategic leadership, empowering all pupils and staff to excel.

Each story shows an aspect of an inspiring headteacher linked to the characteristics. The key point about qualities and knowledge that runs through the stories may well be that the quality of being open to new or different knowledge is vital. All of the six headteachers mentioned have that quality. Whether it is Rehenna gaining the best ideas from around the world or Debbie finding knowledge from regional working groups then being quizzed on it by her own staff, all the headteachers are able to be open to ideas and knowledge from all around them. The headteachers are learning people.